This past month has been a quiet one, and we've been homebodies due to the biting cold. Up to now we haven't had much to share. In light of the holidays, I wanted to take the chance to think about how blessed Andy and I have been. I am so grateful we had the freedom and courage to take this opportunity to live abroad and it has certainly changed us in the four short months we've been here. There have been ups and downs, disconcerting revelations and invaluably pleasant surprises. But one thing's for sure, there has not been a single thing about this experience that has made me feel a shred of regret.
Cheonju is a great city. We are fortunate to live in a building filled with foreigners and this "handicap" has enabled us to easily become accustomed to our life in Korea. We have met many wonderful people and I am so glad to say they are quickly becoming some of the best friends we've ever had. Every weekend is a new adventure with the people we love, even if that adventure is simply enjoying each other's company while playing cards or having dinner.
It is because of these people that this Christmas proved to be less heart wrenching than I had expected. Andy and I spent last weekend in Jeonju with a lovely group of waygooks. We had a Minbak just near the Hanok village and we filled this cozy little space was with laughter and merriment. Secret Santa, White Elephant, and a Christmas dinner were just a few of the festive events we celebrated. To top it off, we had a melodious evening at the Noribang (means singing room. In simple terms it's karaoke, but much cooler) and belting out "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "Born in the USA" with our friends was enough to make me forget my longing for home, if just for a little while.
We work this entire week, but we were given Christmas Day off. This could be seen as a curse or a blessing. For me, going to work and seeing the little ones helps take my mind off of the usual visits and traditions I hold so dear this time of year.
This Christmas was very different but it was still one to remember. I had the chance to Skype with family (When will my nieces and nephews stop growing? I feel like I will have a heart attack when I see them come August! It gets me all teary when I think about what I'm missing.) and our friend, Lee, spent the day with us. When you're this far away from family during the Holiday season, it's easy to think about what you're NOT doing. I was lucky to be surrounded by loving friends who helped me see what I WAS doing.
And I'm grateful for every minute of it.
They make snowmen with two snow balls instead of three. When I made one with my students they kept saying, "Teacher, no! Two, two!" |
A beautiful morning walk to school. |
I picked Lee's name for Secret Santa. Naturally, the gifts were entirely dinosaur related. |
Remy, our bestie from South Africa. |
Belting out "Bohemian Rhapsody" |
You can feel how much heart and soul they're putting into this one. |
Looking sharp on Christmas 'morn. |
Take note of the amazing hoodie Lee got me for Christmas ^^ |
Merry Christmas, everyone! We miss you! |